Tuesday 17 July 2012


The kingdom of Arah must perform the ritual of Rai for every 200 years by a virgin princess to establish peace in the kingdoms and bring stability to the entire earth.
The unfolding of another two centuries comes with a colorful celebration honored by an ally of King Murtar, king Ovya of the Nabah Kingdom. Princess khadijah turns twenty and is now ready to carry the sword of Barka to offer the ritual of Rai on the mountains of Rufu.
On her way to mountains of Rufu, Waziri a power drunk and a trusted chief in the cabinet of king Muktar turns the hand of events. Waziri`s highest pursue is to become the most powerful man on earth by subjecting every creature to his control. That would be possible if he can sacrifice Princess Khadijah the bearer of the sword of Barka on the stone slap of Mutuwa. And by destroying the  four Priestesses that would converge simultaneously from the four cardinal point of the earth to join Khadijah for the sacrifice.
Khadijah is attacked by a gang of bandits send by Waziri by the help of General Eson of the Nabah kingdom.  it is a fierce battle and the soldiers of Khadijah were over powered. Ogande, a Prince by birth but a slave by circumstance, comes to the rescue of Khadijah from the bandits. Ogande is the son of King Ovya who supposedly  thought to be dead at childhood, as planned by General Eson,  so that he  rule over the kingdom of Nabah as king.
Confusion hovers over the kingdoms at the news of the missing Princess. Could it be that the Princess is killed in the forest? If she is dead according to prophecy the sun must fades into darkness and the earth must degenerates into a dying world. Zenum,   protector of the temple is send into the forest to find the Princess after all attempt by the soldiers of Arah fails.
Ogande`s  passion to help khadijah in her quest is rekindled when the power of the sword  is displayed in his very eyes and also discovers that the bandits that attack  his foster father were the same men that attack khadijah.  Unknowingly to the slave boy that his decision to help the Princess is also the fulfillment of his destiny by uniting the kingdom of the middle world, bringing the twin swords together thereby reversing the evil.
On their way to Rufu, Khadijah and Ogande were captured by the dwarfs. The dwarfs intend to sacrifice them ceremoniously to a blood sucking creature as a way to appease the demon. Zenum is able to navigate the movement of Khadijah by her psychic powers and appears on time to the kingdom of the dwarfs and save Ogande and Khadijah. She sustains an injury and therefore stayed back in the dwarf kingdom to get healed and allow khadijah and Ogande to proceed because time is running out and the sacrifice of Rai must be performed before the moon reach full circle.
King Ovya of the Nabah kingdom in a dream sees a drowning boy. The King has to summon the ancient spirit being  Zorok, who latter reveal to the king that his Son Ogande is alive in the presence of General Eson. His dream is shattered if Ogande still lives, General Eson thought. The only way to secure his place as the next king of Nabah is to eliminate  the boy Ogande. General Eson pledges his allegiance to the king to find Ogande.
General Eson track the movement of Ogande and Khadijah in the forest by the revelation of the ancient Zorok. And Eson stabs Ogande in the presence of Khadijah  and  ask his men to take Princess Khadijah to Waziri who will drain her blood in the sacrifice that will acquired him the powers to rule over mankind. Ogande uses his last strength thrusting his sword through General Eson. Zenum appears to help Ogande who lies in the pull of his blood from Eson`s men.For Ogande to survive the injuries , Zorok appears in the kingdom of the dwarfs healing Ogande.
Now the sword is about going into the wrong hands. Someone must stop Waziri before he lies Khadijah on the stone slap of Mutuwa, spelling doom to all humans. The ancient Zorok teleports Ogande and Zunum to the kingdom of the Albiz where revelation is made about how the twin sword is forged by the great Kukwen in anticipation that the middle world fall dark hands.
The Albinzin Queen of the Albiz directs them to the cave in the mountain of Chapalwade. There, the slave boy will get the twin sword that will regenerate the earth back to life. But if they must get to Chapalwade- the mountain of death, they must cross the twelve mysterious rocks of the Pitako.
On the stone slap of Mutuwa Princess Khadijah lies lifeless as Waziri thrust the sword through Khadijah ceremoniously. The sun begins to fades out into a reddish color showing the dying world.
The only way to bring back the earth back to life is in the hands of the slave boy who must alien the sword of Barka and the twin sword from the Mountain of dead.
 It is a fight between evil and good. Waziri evokes army of Wura the destructive creatures, by the power he acquires to destroy humans and subject the earth to his control. And the whole kingdoms must unite to fight for the earth. Zenum ,Zorok Albizin and Ogande fights until Ogande aligns the swords.
The aliening of the swords results to the destruction of the army of Wura and Waziri bringing back the regeneration of the earth.